Anti-Semitic Violence And Vandalism Increasing

April 8, 2013
Written by Janice S. Ellis... in
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Europe is a hotbed of anti-Semitic violence and vandalism that is crossing borders, creating major issues for countries like Hungary, which Israel is demanding be removed from the European Union. Photo Credit: Getty Images

Anti-Semitic violence and vandalism is increasing, according to an annual report that tracks anti-Semitism across the world. Increases in anti-Semitic incidents are clearly on the rise in France, the United Kingdom, and other parts of Europe due to activity by extremist groups.

In a presentation to The Associated Press, Israeli researchers warned of a sudden upsurge in anti-Semitic attacks during 2012. The researchers noted as examples, the deadly shooting at a Jewish school in Toulouse, France that occurred in March 2012 where a Muslim gunman killed four people in a series of attacks that followed - particularly in France, where physical assaults on Jews almost doubled. The researchers also said there has been a continual rise of extremist parties in Europe throughout the year.

These findings are part of the annual report on anti-Semitism in the world. The report was released as Israel commemorates the day that 6 million Jews were killed by German Nazis and their collaborators in World War II.

The report is a collaborative effort between Tel Aviv University and the European Jewish Congress, an umbrella group representing Jewish communities across Europe. The report noted a 30 percent jump in anti-Semitic violence and vandalism during 2012, following a two-year decline. Incidents recorded during 2012, include 686 attacks in 34 countries, compared to the 526 recorded in 2011. The incidents range from physical violence against people to vandalism of synagogues and cemeteries. At least 40 percent, or 273, of the incidents during 2012 involved violence against people.

Tel Aviv university's Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry observes that the report shows there is little correlation between the increase of anti-Semitic attacks and Israel's military operation in Gaza in November 2012 compared to an Israeli offensive in Gaza in 2008, which led to a significant spike in attacks against Jews in Europe. But that spike in 2008, was much smaller in number and intensity than the one that followed the Toulouse school attack in 2012, according to the report.

Roni Stauber, the lead researcher in compiling the data for this report, said, "This shows that the desire to harm Jews is deeply rooted among extremist Muslims and right-wingers, regardless of events in the Middle East."  

In this year’s report, researchers assert that there is “a correlation between the strengthening of extreme right-wing parties in some European countries and high levels of anti-Semitic incidents, as well as attacks on other minorities and immigrants. Europe's economic crisis is fueling the rise of extremist parties like Jobbik in Hungary, Golden Dawn in Greece, and Svoboda in Ukraine.”

The European Jewish Congress is calling for stronger actions by the European Union. The Congress is claiming that member governments are not doing enough to stop the anti-Semitic activity and protect other minorities.

Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress charges that, "Neo-Nazis have been once again legalized in Europe. They are openly sitting in parliaments," he lamented.

According to The Associated Press, Kantor, a Russian-Swiss businessman, said the EU should even consider expelling Hungary and Greece. Following the presentation of the report, Kantor said, "If they do not protect their own population against neo-Nazism, with all the lessons Europe had already, maybe there is no place for them in the European Union."

altAs a first step, the European Jewish Congress, according to Kantor, is asking the European Parliament to hold special hearings to look closely at what is happening in Hungary. Parliament spokesman, Jaume Duch, indicated that the parliament is planning to hold those hearings.

This seems a logical and realist next step since Martin Schulz, the president of parliament, is vocal and consistently criticized the anti-Semitic incidents occurring across Europe. Incidents, most notably, have occurred in Greece, Hungary, and the Ukraine, ranging from an expression of fondness for Nazi literature and references (which occurred in Greece), to calling for Jews to be screened as potential security risks (which was a request from a lawmaker in Hungary). A leader in Ukraine continuously refers to Jews in derogatory language.

Anti-Semitic violence and vandalism increasing across Europe, beyond the Middle East, is indeed a reason to be alarmed and to be more vigilante of neo-Nazi’s getting a stronger foothold on the world stage.

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